Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Patch 17-02-2012

Ini mungkin update Valve yang paling besar. Outworld Destroyer bergabung di Dota 2 minggu ini, bersama dengan satu ton fitur baru. Obsidian Destroyer kini tengah berganti nama menjadi Outworld Destroyer, nama ini mungkin menjadi nama yang menjadi kontroversi, apakah nanti banyak Hero-Hero di Dota 2 yang berubah nama. Salah satu updatenya terbesarnya adalah, ditambahkannya mode (AP, SD, CM) untuk matchmaking.



Changelog Friday, 02-17-2012

- Alchemist: Fixed Goblin's Greed's interaction with Aegis.
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed Ice Blast's secondary ability not firing off when you die.
- Axe: Fixed Battle Hunger self buff sticking on Axe permanently if the spell was dodged by Puck's Phase Shift.
- Batrider: Fixed Flamming Lasso being interrupted by an enemy Force Staff.
- Batrider: Fixed turn rate.
- Batrider: Fixed Firefly having a cast time.
- Batrider: Added stack counter effect for your team when using Sticky Napalm.
- Clinkz: Fixed not being able to cast Searing Arrows manually on buildings.
- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact not being castable on Magic Immune units.
- Clinkz: Fixed Searing Arrows autocast working while silenced/doomed.
- Clinkz: Fixed Searing Arrows bonus damage being treated as a seperate damage instance (it could get reduced twice by stout shield).
- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact being purgeable.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot failing if he is infested by Lifestealer.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum continuously pulling new units in the aoe for a period of time after initial cast.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum disable/pull duration lasting too long.
- Doom Bringer: Fixed Devour not working when eating a converted neutral creep.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form Frost Breath slowing units while Doomed.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break partially ignoring Linken's Sphere.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break continuing to follow a target that teleported away.
- Invoker: Fixed Invoke not dispelling Curse of the Silent.
- Invoker: Fixed Cold Snap triggering on self damage.
- Invoker: Fixed Tornado dispelling various buffs it shouldn't (like Wind Walk)
- Kunkka: Fixed X Marks The Spot being purged by Tornado/Diffusal.
- Lich: Fixed Chain Frost having a chance to end prematurely near fog of war edges.
- Lich: Fixed a recent bug where chainfrost wouldn't choose a magic immune target to bounce to.
- Lich: Fixed Chain Frost deciding late as to which unit it will bounce to next (it would decide after its bounce delay, instead of before)
- Mirana: Fixed Leap being canceled if Mirana got purged during it.
- Nature's Prophet: Double clicking Teleportation will cast it at the fountain.
- Omniknight: Fixed Repel causing Spirit Breaker to be unable to cancel his Charge of Darkness.
- Puck: Fixed Phase Shift sometimes not dodging incoming attack projectiles.
- Puck: Fixed some types of spells (like EMP) from causing damage when already Phase Shifted.
- Silencer: Added intelligence steal counter to Last Word aura.
- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush's physical damage not hurting Magic Immune units.
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot bonus proc damage working against Towers and Buildings.
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot working while Doomed.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt not working properly after a disconnect.
- Spectre: Fixed Reality clearing Curse of the Silent and triggering Magic Stick.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes working while Doomed.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes working on allied units.
- Viper: Fixed Poison Attack damage being lethal.
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks deciding late as to which unit it will bounce to next (it would decide after its bounce delay, instead of before)
- Zeus: Fixed Lightning Bolt's aoe truesight not revealing wards.

- Added Clinkz to Captain's Mode
- Fixed ranged creep moving infront of the rest on the bottom dire lane
- Fixed collision sizes on Barracks and Filler buildings
- Ring of Aquila, Ring of Basilius, and Radiance no longer flip their toggle if their aura was toggled off when their owner dies.
- Fixed Boots of Travel not selecting dominated units.
- Fixed sweet exploit where you could buy a nice juicy passive item, give it to another friendly hero, have that hero die and upon respawn the passive effects of the item would be granted -- Desolator would start desolating, butterfly would start buttering, etc.
- Items now expire their sellback time when their owner dies.
- Fixed Roshan not respawning at the correct time if he was killed before creep spawn.
- Fixed Bounty Hunter and Clinkz's invisibility getting dispelled by Tornado.
- Fixed Blademail being able to reflect damage from allies/self (causing suicide).
- Trees are now temporarily prevented from respawning if there are any player-controlled units whose collision are within 250 units of the center of the tree.
- Fixed unit targeting behavior being bugged for the following abilities: Carrion Swarm, Dragon Slave, Breathe Fire.
- Fixed courier getting stuck if it received deliver orders from multiple players.
- Fixed Blademail being dispellable.
- Fixed shop item stock not depleting when purchasing items with a full inventory and stash.
- Fixed being able to refresh allied items with Tinker's ultimate.

- Fixed an exploit possible that could allow a small portion of abilities to be used while stunned .
- Fixed a rare bug where you would sometimes attack an unexpected unit when attempting to last-hit by spamming stop with auto-attack turned on.
- Shift+Hero Select now toggles selection of the hero from the current selection if multiple units are selected.
- Fixed dead heroes being selected when using control groups.
- Fixed bug where the camera would reposition itself when drawing lines on minimap.
- Blink Dagger now blinks in the direction your mouse is in when you double click it.
- Fixed a rare bug where an item could be deleted upon delivery from the courier.
- Fixed a rare bug with legacy keys that could cause your hotkeys to get changed when querying an enemy.
- Purchasing a whole item now gathers owned items from the team's couriers when calculating what to buy.
- Fixed accidentally selecting units when moving your camera around in camera drag mode.
- Fixed not being able to drop an item from the stash if it is owned by another player.
- Double clicking the "Select All Other Units" hotkey will now move the camera to the location of the units rather than adding your hero to the selection.

- Browse practice lobbies your friends have created or joined.
- Improved readabilty of hero names in minimap.
- Changed Hero Highlighter visuals.
- Removed some elements in the minimap texture that would cause confusion with creeps.
- Fixed controlled units not showing the color of the player controlling them in the minimap.
- Updated Day/Night indicator
- Pause is now correctly delayed for spectators.
- Fixed inventory not updating the state of items if the slot and item matched between querying different units.
- Added a subtitle in the inventory item tooltip indicating if an item's aura is active or not.
- Added inactive image for Radiance.
- Fixed matchID not showing up on end scores.
- The topbar timer is no longer reset when the game ends.
- Added game settings option for the hero finder when holding alt down
- Added game settings option for the minimap hero icons (shows hero text names when turned off)
- Added game settings option for the HP numbers above your hero's in world HP Bar
- Fixed long cooldown labels being truncated in item tooltips.
- Fixed cooldown and mana cost not showing properly in dashboard item tooltips.
- Quick buy item tooltips are no longer estranged from their arrow.
- Autocast state is no longer shown for enemy abilities.
- Added visual feedback when moving a hero via the minimap.
- Added "This game is safe to leave" message on the matchmaking status page practice lobbies or matchmade games with a leaver detected.
- Your own row is now highlighted on the game end scoreboard.
- When a player is banned, everyone who reported them since their last ban receives a message when they next login informing them that justice has been served.
- Your friends list is now sorted alphabetically.
- Pinging an enemy now places the ping on them for a short time.
- Mana cost and cooldown fields in the ability tooltips now reflect the current state of the ability (they take into account Death Prophet's Witchcraft, Aghanim's changes, etc).
- Added cooldown timers to shop items that are out of stock in grid mode.
- Items from different owners that would stack (e.g. wards) no longer stack in the courier's inventory.
- Fixed client-side modifier durations so that the icon sweep displays correctly when entering and exiting FoW.
- Fixed bug where there would be a brief flash of the full-duration border on a modifier as it expired.
- Combat log fixes/changes:
- It now specifies whether units are illusions or not for all events.
- Heals now track and specify the healing unit.
- The end-of-game combat summary now counts neither illusions nor self-damage.
- Damage done by units under a hero's control are now credited to their hero in the combatlog and end-of-game summary.
- Mousing over each server location will show you the name, whether you're searching in that region or not, and an estimated wait time.

- Redesigned the setting panel to allow for more keybindings and options. You may need to rebind your keys.
- Updated all the keybindings to take advantage of the new settings panel.
- Added spectator keybinds.
- New key input code for spectator and alt-keys.
- Spectator and alt-keys now handle + binds correctly.
- Del, backspace, and backquote/tilde are now bindalbe (ie. console is bindable)
- Added courier, neutral and hero specific ability binds.
- Spectators now correctly get all active buffs and debuffs on heroes when joining a game in progress.

- The replay format has changed and old replays are no longer viewable.
- Your own private games are now displayed in your match history.

- Added effect for Phase Boots and Fiery Soul.
- Made Dark Seer's illusion effect more differentiated from a normal illusion effect.
- Made all known illusions draw with a creep style healthbar. This does not effect enemy illusions, but does apply to Dark Seer's Wall of Illusion illusions.
- Crystal Maiden illusions will no longer play her custom death anim.
- Heroes now flail while getting force staffed.

- Fixed the item combine sound playing to you when other players combine their items on your courier.
- Added rival death-taunts and other miscellaneous lines to flesh out dialog set for Juggernaut and Sven.

- Revised how and when bots decide to push lanes, defend lanes, and farm.
- Temporarily disabled late game team roaming. It will be back!
- Fixed bug where bot code would cause buyback of human players when playing with bot teammates.
- Made bots more aware of ganks that were happening near them.
- Increased the strength of human pings, and in general made them last longer.
- Fixed bug where bots weren't going back to base to fetch their TP scrolls, even when they had nothing better to do.
- Made bots less likely to wander across the map just to hit the side shop.
- Fixed bug where bots would buy superfluous flying courier items.
- Fixed bots ignoring seige engines when farming a lane.
- Fixed bots being standoffish to their own creeps.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to not attack the lowest-health creep when farming a lane.
- When fleeing an enemy hero, bots will no longer immediately forget about the enemy the instant they lose sight of them.
- Made bots more likely to defend structures closer to their base, particularly barracks and their ancient.
- Fixed a case where bots were getting preoccupied with creeps when defending their base.

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