Kamis, 12 Juli 2012
Patch 13-07-2012

Templar Assassin telah hari di tengah-tengah War Dota 2 Siang ini. Hero dengan Ultimate yang dapat berfungsi sebagai ward ini sangat diminati oleh semua gamer karena dia terbebas dari Gank dengan mudah dengan skill invisnya maupun skill refraction nya yang membuatnya lebih keras dari sebelumnya.
Changelog Friday, 13-07-2012
- Added Templar Assassin!
- Enabled Templar Assassin, Disruptor and Undying in Captain's Mode.
- Bounty Hunter: Fixed Jinada proccing on Tombstone.
- Broodmother: Fixed Spiderling passive proccing on magic immune units (like zombies) and spawning mass spiderlings.
- Disruptor: Fixed Kinetic Field sometimes causing heroes to fail to attack a hero who is being trapped in the field.
- Earthshaker: Fixed Echo Slam inital damage not hitting units through magic immunity.
- Leshrac: Fixed Pulse Nova procing Essence Aura.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear not aggroing creeps when it attacks a hero
- Luna: Fixed Moon Glaive bouncing on ward type units
- Luna: Fixed Moon Glaive bounce order.
- Lycan: Fixed wolves having max speed for their duration after Shapeshift ends if summoned during Shapeshift.
- Necrolyte: Fixed Death Pulse not healing allied magic immune units
- Puck: Fixed Phase Shift proccing Essence Aura.
- Rubick: Fixed being able to steal spells from their being toggled off.
- Rubick: Fixed getting stuck in Flesh Golem form when respawning with the buff.
- Rubick: Fixed some abilities being broken when re-stealing them, now re-stealing an ability will have no effect on your currently stolen ability.
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Ether Shock ignoring Linken's Sphere.
- Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greaterbash affecting Magic Immune units when procced via other abilities
- Undying: Fixed Tombstone interaction with Refresher Orb.
- Undying: Fixed Deathlust sometimes not working properly.
- Undying: Fixed a bug where Deathlust would sometimes not go away.
- Undying: Decay now makes the target lose exactly 76 health when cast and heal exactly 76 when it ends. Before the health scaling was causing the target not to lose then gain the correct amount of health.
- Wisp: Fixed Spirits exploding on illusions.
- Wisp: Fixed Relocate to not teleport Wisp while dead
- Improved AFK detection.
- Fixed Smoke of Deceit dodging incoming projectiles if there are nearby enemy heroes.
- Fixed Ethereal Blade and Black King Bar interaction.
- Fixed completely-avoided damage from triggering blink dagger's cooldown.
- Rich Presence now shows if you're casting a game.
- If you buy an Aghanim's Scepter on a hero with no upgrade, this is now shown in the ability.
- Battle point rate and any equipped bonuses are now shown in the inspect panel.
- Numerical battle points earned (split into base and bonus) are now shown on the game end screen.
- The play panel now shows matchmaking game modes and regions from the party when finding a match.
- Improved unpause countdown, added UI sound.
- Fixed case where we weren't properly crediting damage from summoned units/wards to their hero in the combatlog.
- Added an interface setting to prevent the camera from moving upon respawn
- Neutrals now have yellow healthbars when spectating.
- Roshan's healthbar is now slightly bigger.
- We now hide all match details until you reveal the winner.
- Team names and logos are now shown on match details panel.
- Fixed a handful of issues with the message and chat system when watching replays.
- The killcam card now flips over to show the full body portrait.
- Improved how bots manage their movement while doing evasive maneuvers -- they will now consider a range of escape directions and select the best one based on other nearby avoidance zones.
- Added avoidance to Disruptor's Kinetic Field (while it's forming) and Static Storm.
- Improved how bots request items from the stash via the courier. The courier will now only deliver items the hero has room for, and bots will take into account projected item combines.
- Added overhead messages when items or abilities cause unnatural mana gain or loss (such as Arcane Boots).
- A new chest with exclusive items has been spotted.
- Announcers, couriers and several rare items on sale.
- Added Storm Spirit announcer.
- Added over 50 new community created items.
Dota 2 Update - July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012 - Valve
- Added Disruptor and Undying!
- Enabled Rubick, Wisp, and Luna in Captain's Mode.
- Fixed a number of issues that caused effects to be delayed and in some cases not show up while watching Tournament games.
- You can now select your favorite hero and gear to showcase in your profile.
- Tournaments you have passes for are now shown in your profile.
- Bloodseeker: Fixed Bloodbath not properly healing from enemy heroes dying in an AoE.
- Invoker: Fixed DPS burn from Chaos Meteor not stacking per tick.
- Luna: Fixed Eclipse ending if you get Cycloned.
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed astral indicator to only show for hero and allied team.
- Rubick: Fixed stolen Persuasion not killing stolen creeps when lost.
- Rubick: Fixed stolen Relocate not teleporting teammates who are linked with a stolen Tether.
- Rubick: Fixed Toggleable spells not being stealable.
- Rubick: Fixed not getting flying vision or flying height when stealing Firefly.
- Rubick: Fixed Fade Bolt stopping when Rubick dies.
- Rubick: Fixed stealing Morph Replicate and Replicate not working correctly.
- Rubick: Fixed Invoker's Spell Stolen abilities having broken hotkeys sometimes when using Legacy Mode.
- Rubick: Fixed Telekinesis land AoE triggering Linken's Sphere.
- Wisp: Fixed Magic Stick interaction with Tether.
- Wisp: Overcharge and the two spirit control sub abilities no longer proc magic stick.
- Wisp: Spirits no longer don't retain their vision after they explode.
- Wisp: Fixed Relocate's return not interrupting other channeling spells (like TP Scroll).
- Wisp: Fixed heroes continuing old movement orders after returning with Relocate.
- Wisp: Fixed Soul Ring not working with Tether.
- Warlock: Fixed the burn aura from Warlock's Golems so it stacks correctly.
- Small fix to creep aggro reaction time.
- Fixes for guardian spirits rendering with pops and such when entering/leaving FoW.
- Added 'Telekinesis Land' effect marker for Rubick.
- Added new screen effect while the game is paused.
- Fixed Wisp's voice lipsync getting stuck on with random noise.
- Fixed ranged display stomping on ambient effects, including Wisp's.
- Fixed Unusual Flying Couriers losing some of their effects when transitioning fom walking to flying.
- Fixed Wisp's Tether being left behind when an enemy teleported into the fog of war.
- Changed Guardian Wisp Explosion Effects.
- Added a more obvious Wisp's Tether Boundary Effect.
- When someone buys back, an icon is now displayed on the top bar for 5 seconds.
- Wisp's Tether now shows the amount that it heals it's target.
- Wisp's spirits no longer show up on the minimap.
- Wisp and his tethered unit move their camera when they Relocate and Relocate back.
- Right clicking an upgradable item in the shop will attempt to upgrade any (fully combined) version of that item that the player already owns. (Right click on necro 1 will actually buy a necro recipe if the player has a necro 1 or 2, etc)
- Fixed shop closing when other players' selections change.
- We now show the upgraded info in the ability itself if you're holding an Aghanim's Scepter.
- You can now select your favorite hero and gear to showcase in your profile.
- Tournaments you have passes for are now shown in your profile.
- Fixed a number of issues that caused effects to be delayed and in some cases not show up while watching Tournament games.
- The Relocate sound stops correctly now.
- Fixed a bug were all bots would disable themselves if a human on the other team disconnected before picking a hero.
- Changed how bots use Glyph, they should no longer use it when their buildings aren't being attacked.
- Made Crystal Maiden bot even more timid.
- Made bots go to the lane front when defending in-base rather than cowering behind the innermost towers.
- Fixed bug where bots weren't correctly parsing their roles, which would lead to bad hero picking/randoming.
- Fixed case were bots could "cheat" and have knowlege of where their target was when blinking.

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