Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012
Patch 01-06-2012

Patch kali ini adalah Patch awal bulan yang sangat menakjubkan. Steam Workshop, cosmetics and the customize tab ditambahkan ke Dota 2. Telah diumumkan secara oficial bahwa Dota 2 akan menjadi Free 2 Play dan kita dapat mengakses semua hero tanpa terkecuali, mikrotransaction hanya berhubungan dengan game cosmetic bukan pay to win seperti Game MOBA berbayar lainya.

Sithil dan Quirt telah ditambahkan ke UI Shop Changes, dimana akan lebih menarik dan beberbeda dengan Shop di Fountain. Selain itu beberapa Cosmetic akan kami share di Fan Page kami, dan jangan lupa kami akan mengadakan Event Beta Key Giveaway yang ke 7, jadi tetaplah setiap bersama kami!
Changelog Friday, 01-01-2012
- Added the Dota 2 Store!
- Enabled Ogre Magi in Captain's Mode.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust autocast interrupting your TP scroll.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Multicast Fireblast not extending the stun duration.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust being castable on magic immune units.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Bloodlust Multicast being used up by couriers.
- Ogre Magi: Fixed Fireblast Mutlicast stopping if you die while it is multicast.
- Ogre Magi: Added unique effect for unrefined fireblast
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Arcane Orb not working on Illusions recently.
- Fixed drag selection bug.
- In RD we now show a proper countdown until the entire pick process has been completed.
- In RD, fixed the pick button sometimes appearing greyed out when it becomes your turn to pick.
- Fixed losses and abandons not showing correctly on your own profile.
- Kill Cam panel now shows any custom items the killer was wearing.
- Empowering Haste visual no longer shows up on creeps
- Added new effect for unrefined fireblast.
- Fixed bug where bots would run out of their base immediately after teleporting to it.
- Fixed bug that could cause bots to prioritize a temporarily invalid unit (nightmared, reincarnating, etc) over one that is currently valid.
- Fixed case where bots would prioritize other desires over picking up Aegis/Cheese/Rapier.
- Fixed a number of bugs that could cause bots to get stuck near Roshan.
- Easier and Easy bots will now have ability usage lockouts where they're periodically unable to use items and abilities.
- Fixed bug where passive bots would get stuck trying to ward.
- Fixed bug where Dire-side lobby slots would be inaccessible when there were bots in the corresponding Radiant-side lobby slot.

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