Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012
Patch 25-05-2012

Ogre Magi, siapa yang tidak kenal Hero ini? Hero Intelligent yang cukup keras ini telah ditambahkan oleh Valve untuk mensupport teamnya dalam war! Sekedar pemberitahuan, kami 2 minggu ini terlambat mengepost berita bukan karena kelalaian, tapi dikarenakan sedikit maintenance akan pindahnya hosting, dan mungkin dalam beberapa hari masih sedikit ada maintenance kecil berikutnya. Terima Kasih.

Perubahan besar terjadi pada New Dashboard yang lebih bagus dari sebelumnya, terlihat elegant dengan backround alam yang indah. Leaked Content selengkapnya akan di share di Fan Page kami. Jangan lupa untuk selalu memberikan feedback kepada kami, saran dan kritik kalianlah yang menjadi semangat kami untuk terus maju dan lebih baik.
Changelog Friday, 25-05-2012
- Enabled Treant Protector in Captain's Mode.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt Illusions having collision.
- Lifestealer: Fixed Rage being dispellable.
- Spirit Breaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness immediately failing when cast on Razor's Unstable Current.
- Bounty Hunter: Fixed a bug that could sometimes allow Jinada to work on buildings.
- Fixed Black King Bar not dispelling Haste and Double Damage.
- Revised performance bar calculation and display.
- Added support for putting bots into individual slots in a private lobby.
- Fixed issue where the camera would recenter when quickly switching between different control groups.
- Fixed incorrect player id when pinging runes.
- Added a short cooldown to the chat message when pinging a rune.
- Added disconnected player icon in scoreboard and top bar.
- The game start horns now play different cues from each team location and are now spatial.
- Added sound when the courier delivers items to you.
- First pass at spectator-only Roshan timer.
- Added overhead healing messages for Warlock and Bloodseeker.
- Fixed a visual hitch sometimes experienced while spectating using Directed view.
- Increased bot cautiousness when going to the side shop.
- When invisible, bots will now only use abilities or items that they really want to use.
- Bots are now more likely to roam and gank when invisible.
- Juggernaut bot will no longer offensively use Blade Fury when he's sufficiently powerful (better to just attack).
- Zeus will now use Wrath in teamfights.
- Fixed bug where Vengeful bot could try to swap out-of-range allies.

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